Individual Therapy

Starting individual therapy is a scary choice to make.

Talking to someone you really don’t know about the private things that have happened in your life can be overwhelming.

What will they think of me? Will they think it was my fault? Was it my fault? Do they know I am “damaged goods,” not worthy of love?

There is a need to ‘fix’ the awful feelings you have, but you wonder if sharing will bring reprisals.

Can you trust them? What are they getting out of it? What are they going to think?

There is always the thought of what if other people find out. Could that affect your job, your family, your reputation?

A lot of times, these thoughts can stop the healing process. But you don’t have to get stuck. There are better options.

Individual therapy with me is like talking to a friend.

We take the time to get to know each other, build a trusting relationship. Some therapists immediately ask the most prying questions like it doesn’t take you back to the very moment and feelings.

I understand that and go slow, at your pace.

My training is in Motivational therapy. I am trained to start wherever you are comfortable. It is important that you set the pace of therapy. I know if you can tell me, a total stranger, something in 30 minutes, that’s not the issue.

We can get to it, but I believe you need to be comfortable to deal with it.

Finding your way again.

There won’t be a stressful barrage of “yes” or “no” questions. It’s about you clearing your horizon so you can see the sun.

When we talk, we’ll talk about “why” as well as “why not.” Both are important points that need to be looked at and clarified. There are no wrong answers. I just present looking at the situations from a different perspective; the choice is always yours.

Our work is done in your timing.

My training is in client-centered therapy. Client-centered puts you in charge. My job is to listen, recommend, and support.

I may ask about some things, but you always have the right to tell me, “I’m not ready.”

We’ll come up with solutions together.

So, pick up the phone, call, and schedule an appointment. It’s about time you lighten your load.